How This 36-Year-Old Coder Built India’s Largest Crypto Trading Exchange
Nischal Shetty has made a name for himself in India. In the first half of 2021 alone, his crypto business has grown more than 12 times to become the country’s largest digital currency exchange. And now, he’s set his sights on making WazirX…

10 Great Stocks To Own Because Oil Prices Have Surged: Goldman Sachs
The latest OPEC standoff that is keeping oil prices at lofty levels opens the door for investors to potentially profit from several oil-related stocks, according to Goldman Sachs energy analyst Neil Mehta.
Mehta outlined 10 oil stocks he…

Oil Prices Seek Direction In Advance of OPEC Meeting on Thursday
OPEC's forecasts point to an oil supply deficit in August and in the rest of 2021 as economies recover from the pandemic, suggesting the group and its allies have room to raise output at a meeting this week. The Organization of the Petroleum…

Is the Stock Market Poised For Crash, Correction Or More Gains?
The S&P 500 and Nasdaq hit new record highs Monday, continuing what appears to be a never-ending rally in U.S. stocks. When will the market crash? Is there a correction brewing, or does the rally have room to run? Year to date, the S&P…

Commodities Q2 Wrap Up: Natural Gas At Apex, Lumber At Bottom
With just hours to go before the close of June trading, this quarter’s list of best and worst performing commodities is almost final, and a heads-up before you read on: Some of these aren’t your usual A- or Z-listers in raw materials. At…

International Tourism Not Seen Rebounding Until 2023
International tourism arrivals are set to stagnate this year, except in some Western markets, causing up to $2.4 trillion in losses, a UN study said on Wednesday, adding the sector is not expected to rebound fully until 2023. COVID-19 (coronavirus)…